The Oahu Rail System is a great way to get around the city. With a single touch on the boarding gate, passengers can enter the station and board the next available train. Depending on the type of HOLO card you have, you will be charged accordingly and will be granted a transfer period of 2.5 hours after the first touch. This means that you can use your card to board a bus or train back and forth at no cost within 2.5 hours.
When boarding the train, it is important to be courteous and let others leave before getting in. Additionally, Kupuna and other people with disabilities should be given priority when boarding. If you are able, offer your seat to those who need it. It is also important to not block train doors, bicycle security areas or corridors, and to silence your mobile devices and avoid loud conversations. At a press conference on Thursday, the director of the city's Transportation Services, Roger Morton, and Deputy Director Jon Nouchi, highlighted that there will be nine stations opening their doors on Friday, with multiple places to board.
They said they expect crowds to disperse along the route and over the weekend. The city has just learned to manage the system, after receiving it from the Honolulu Rapid Transit Authority just three weeks ago. Most people know even less about how to travel on a public transportation train. Although the wagons don't start or stop suddenly, it is important to hold on to something if you are standing. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings when climbing onto train platforms, as you could end up choosing the platform in the wrong direction.
The nine stations will open precisely at 2 p.m.Paid parking is available at the Aloha Stadium; however, train parking will not be allowed at Leeward Community College or in shopping centers. If you decide to get off a train, keep in mind that you may have to wait for another one, so don't get too close to 7 p.m. Eating is not allowed at stations or on trains; however, drinking water in sips is fine. Bathrooms are available at stations with changers; however, you must ask a waiter for access. A HOLO card will be needed to use the system after Friday; however, there will be no charge for bus or Skyline travel until Wednesday.
It is recommended that you have one if you plan on using Skyline or the bus for school or work.